Since I have moved to Italy ,I have developed a different way in valuating food. Here food is everything, it's like the seed of the root of culture!
At home everyone eats really good and in some restaurants, in the north and (kind of also in) central Italy there are some restaurants that are called Osteria [osterie also exist in the south but they aren't that popular and are really few in number compared to this other part of the country]. Osteria is a restaurant more down to earth, the prices are lower than in a normal restaurant and it's not that swell. It is a more familiary environment and they cook only typical food of the region/city and everything is biological and in the most vast cases it comes from their garden and then everything it's hand made.
Italy it's not really open to other food cultures especially if you are not leaving in a metropolis. They tend to see you in a wired way if you cook with butter as they commonly use olive oil (and tend to use it even more if in the recipe is written ":xxx gr of butter").
food, connecting people
brunch in Munich
in a village in south Albania
Ma tu voliv' 'a pizz... 'a pizz 'a pizz.... ca' pummarola '' pummarola 'ngoppa...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
while making Babagaouch
preparing pitas
carrots and beans in roasted almonds sauce (I cooked it, on my last day home in summer '11)
my univ. mates in one of the most famous restaurants of Napoli ....Pizza Margherita! what an amasing moment for my taste buds ..... the birds where singing in my head, what a joyyy **
The Nutcracker
A really interesting video on how to make raw strawberry pie mmmmmm ^^
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